Lexicon of Polari words and phrases
- A dowriest cod: an abomination
- A stretcher case: weary
- Absolutely fantabulosa: perfect
- Acting dickey: labour, work
- Acting dickeys: labours
- Affair: lover
- Affairs: lovers
- Ajax: nigh
- Alcopop: vinegar
- Andrea: Andrew
- Any road up: and it came to pass, nevertheless, yea
- Aqua: water
- Aquas: waters
- Aunt nell: hear, hearken
- Aunt nelled: heard, hearkened
- Aunt nelleth: heareth
- Aunt nelling cheat: ear
- Aunt nelly cheats: ears
- Aunt nelly fake: earring
- Aunt nelly fakes: earrings
- Auntie: Father
- Aunties: fathers
- Back slum: inner chamber
- Bad style: pestilence
- Badge: old
- Badge cove: old man
- Badge coves: old men
- Badgeness: old age
- Bagadga: privy member
- Bamboozle: confound
- Bamboozled: confounded
- Barney: war
- Basque: breastplate
- Battyfang: destroy
- Battyfanged: destroyed
- Battyfangeth: destroyeth
- Battyfangs: destroys
- Beak: judge, magistrate
- Beaks: judges, magistrates
- Bean: young
- Bean cove: young man, lad
- Bean coves: young men
- Beandom: youth
- Benar: better
- Bencove: friend
- Bencoves: friends
- Bent: crooked
- Betty bracelets: scribes
- Bevvied: drunk
- Bevvy: sup
- Bevvy homie: drunkard
- Bevvying: drinking
- Big butch homie: giant
- Big butch homies: giants
- Bijou: little
- Bijou arkette: ark
- Bijou nochy: evening
- Bijou tabernaclette: tabernacle
- Bijoux tabernaclettes: tabernacles
- Billingsgate: blasphemy, profane
- Billingsgated: profaned
- Billingsgates: blasphemies
- Billingsgateth: blasphemeth
- Bimbo: fool
- Binco: lamp
- Binco fakement: fire
- Bincos: lamps
- Bitaine: whore
- Bitainedom: whoredom
- Bitainedoms: whoredoms
- Bitaining: whoring
- Bodega: market
- Bodega homie: merchant
- Bodega homies: merchants
- Bodegas: markets
- Bolus: apothecary
- Bona: fine, good, gracious, joyful, righteous, sweet, worthy
- Bona lav: blessing
- Bona lavs: blessings
- Bonafy: sanctify
- Bonaness: righteousness
- Bond homie: bondman
- Bond palone: bondwoman
- Booth: chamber
- Box: rump
- Boyno: greetings
- Bugle: nostrils
- Butch: strong
- Butch homie: soldier
- Butch homies: soldiers
- Butch lattie: castle
- Butch latties: castles
- Butch lav: commandment
- Butch lavs: commandments
- Butch shriek: roar
- Butch shrieking: roaring
- Butch shriekings: roars
- Butcher: stronger
- Butchest: strongest
- Butchness: strength
- Buvare: drink
- Buvareth: drinketh
- Cackle: preach, say, speak, speech, tell
- Cackle fart: egg
- Cackled: preached, said, spake, spoken, told
- Cackledst: saidth
- Cacklest: speakest
- Cackleth: saith, sayest, speaketh
- Cackling: preaching, saying
- Cackling fakement: voice
- Cackling homie: preacher
- Camp: meek
- Campness: meekness
- Cark it: die, die
- Carked it: died, died
- Carkest it: diest
- Carketh it: dieth
- Carking it: death
- Carnish: meat
- Caterver: trespass
- Catervers: trespasses
- Cavalier: uncircumcised
- Chant: song
- Chants: songs
- Charper: seek
- Charperest: seekest
- Charpereth: seeketh
- Charpering carsey: prison
- Charpering homie: guard
- Charpers: seeks
- Charver: fornicate
- Charvering: fornication
- Charvering donna: harlot
- Charvering donnas: harlots
- Chaud's mudge: foreskin
- Chavvie: child
- Chavvied: begat
- Chavvies: children, generations
- Chavvy: babe
- Chenter: hundred
- Chenters: hundreds
- Chinker: five
- Chinker dacha: fifty
- Chivvied: persecuted
- Chivvy: persecute
- Chivvying: persecution
- Choad: sceptre
- Chucking: casting
- Chutney locker: bowels
- Clobber: raiment
- Clovenplated: clovefooted
- Cod: bad
- Codness: iniquity
- Cods: iniquities
- Colin: horn
- Colins: horns
- Cottage: closet
- Cottages: closets
- Crimper: barber
- Crocus: physician
- Crocuses: doctors
- Crystal: Christ
- Dacha: ten
- Dachafold: tenfold
- Dachath: tenth
- Daffiness: drunkenness
- Daffy: drunken
- Dander: wroth
- Dark room: upper room
- Davina: David
- Dewey: two
- Dewey dacha: twenty
- Dewey dachath: twentieth
- Deweyfold: twofold
- Dhobie: wash
- Dhobied: washed
- Dhobies: purifies
- Dinarly: money
- Dinge: pollution
- Dinged: fouled
- Dingy: polluted
- Dish: confess
- Dish the dirt: commune
- Dished the dirt: communed
- Dishing the dirt on: making mention
- of
- Dizzy: foolish
- Do the rights: avenge
- Dolly: pleasant
- Doob: tablet
- Doobs: tablets
- Dorcas: samaritan
- Dowrier: greater
- Dowriest: chief, greatest
- Dowriest homie: king
- Dowriest homies: kings
- Dowriest palone: queen
- Dowriest palones: queens
- Dowrily: abundantly
- Dowriness: greatness
- Dowry: great, much, very
- Dowry aqua: flood
- Dowry aquas: floods
- Dowry butch: Almighty, mighty
- Dowry cod: abomination
- Dowry cods: abominations
- Dowry efink: sword
- Dowry efinks: swords
- Dowry lattie: palace
- Dowry latties: palaces
- Dowry lavs: statutes
- Dowry lupper: thumb
- Dowry munjarlee: feast
- Dowry munjarlees: feasts
- Drag queen: dragon
- Drag queens: dragons
- Dry: left
- Dry martini: left hand
- Duchess: LORD
- Efink: knife
- Efinks: knives
- Eke: face, head
- Ekes: faces, heads
- Fabe: glorious, godly
- Fabed: blessed
- Fabely: gorgeously
- Fabeness: glory, godliness
- Fabularity: majesty
- Fabulosa: holy, wondrous
- Fabulosas: holies
- Fabulous: faithful
- Fabulously: faithfully
- Fairies: angels, spirits
- Fairy: Spirit, angel, ghost, spirit
- Fakement: possession, thing, vessel
- Fakements: things, vessels
- Famble: hand
- Famble cheat: ring
- Famble cheats: rings
- Famble palone: handmaid
- Famble palones: handmaids
- Fambles: hands
- Fancied: desired
- Fancy: desire
- Fantabulosa: excellent
- Fantabulosa fairy: Holy Ghost
- Fatcha: shave
- Fatcha fakement: razor
- Ferricadooza: slay
- Ferricadoozad: broke down
- Ferricadoozaed: slew
- Ferricadoozed: slain
- Ferricadoozeth: slayeth
- Ferricadoza: kill
- Ferricadozad: killed
- Ferricadozadst: killedst
- Ferricadozaeth: killeth
- Filiome: boy
- Filiomes: boys
- Filly: fair
- Foofs: breasts
- Fortuni: wonderful
- Frock: apron, garment, robe, skirt
- Frocks: aprons, garments, robes, skirts
- Fungi: elders
- Gajo: outcast
- Gajos: fugitives
- Gardy loo: beware
- Gelt: gold, treasure, treasures
- Get her: Get thee behind me, Satan
- Gin and tonic: milk and honey
- Gloria: God
- Glossies: books, scriptures
- Glossy: book, scripture
- Gobsmacked: amazed, astonished
- Gobsmacked-ness: astonishment
- Godly homie: priest
- Godly homies: priests
- Goolie: black
- Gossip: gospel, rumour
- Gracie: grace
- Gracies: graces
- Groinage: jewels
- Groinnage: bracelets
- Grovelling fakement: altar
- Hampstead: tooth
- Hampsteads: teeth
- Handbag: sack
- Has his wild up: is angry
- Heartface: wellbeloved
- Her: him, his
- Herd homies: herdmen
- Hettie: straight, strait
- Hettily: straitly
- Hilda handcuffs: officers
- Holy carsey: temple
- Homie: man
- Homie affair: husband
- Homie affairs: husbands
- Homie ajax: neighbour
- Homie chavvie: son
- Homie chavvies: sons
- Homie palone: sodomite
- Homie palones: sodomites
- Homiekind: mankind
- Homies: men
- Homies and palones: people
- Homieservant: manservant
- Homieservants: menservants
- I am what i am i don't need praise, i don't want pity: I AM THAT I AM
- I've got your number, ducky: I know thy works
- Jane: John
- Jarried: eaten, swallowed
- Jarries: devours
- Jarriest: eatest
- Jarrieth: feedeth
- Jarry: eat, swallow
- Joggering homie: minstrel
- Joggering homies: musicians
- Josephine: Joseph
- Josie: Jesus
- Journo: day
- Kapello: cloak
- Kenza: twelve
- Kerterver coddy: sickness
- Kertervered: sinned
- Kerterverers: sinners
- Kertervereth: sinneth
- Kertervering: sinning
- Kertervers: sins
- Kertever: sin
- Kosher homie: Hebrew, jew
- Kosher homies: jews
- Kosher homies and palones: Hebrews
- Kosher palones: Hebrew women
- Ladies: lords
- Lag: slave
- Lags: slaves
- Lall: receive
- Lalled: received
- Landladies: publicans
- Landlady: publican
- Larlou: Amen
- Lattie: dwelling place, dwellingplace, house
- Lattie on water: ship
- Latties: houses
- Latties on water: ships
- Lau: send
- Laued: delivered, laid, sent
- Laueth: putteth
- Lav: word
- Lavs: words
- Lell: take
- Lelled: carried, taken, took
- Lelleth: taketh
- Lett: abide, dwell, lay, sit
- Letted: abode, dwelt
- Letteth: abideth, dwelleth, liveth
- Lettie: rest
- Lettied: slept
- Letties: rooms
- Lettieth: lieth
- Letting: abiding
- Letty: sleep
- Lily law: pharisee
- Lily laws: pharisees
- Long dedger: eleven
- Lube: oil
- Lubed: annointed
- Lucille: Luke
- Lucoddy: body
- Lullaby cheat: infant
- Lullaby cheats: infants
- Lupper: finger
- Luppers: fingers
- Lycra: linen
- Mais oui: certainly
- Manjarry: food
- Manky: filthy
- Manly alice: strong man
- Manly alices: strong men
- Marcia: Mark
- Maria: seed
- Matilda: Matthew
- Maureen: Moses
- Medzer: shekel
- Medzered: divided
- Medzers: shekels
- Meshigener: madness
- Meshigener carsey: church
- Meshigener carseys: churches
- Meshigener muttering: prayer
- Meshigener mutterings: prayers
- Metties: wealth
- Mille: thousand
- Milles: thousands
- Mince: tread, walk
- Mince butchly: march
- Minced: trodden, walked
- Mincedst butchly: marchedst
- Minces: walks
- Minceth: treadeth, walketh
- Mincing: walking
- Mincing butchly: marching
- Mogue: deceive
- Mogued: deceived
- Mudge: crown
- Mudges: bonnets
- Munge: darkness
- Munged: darkened
- Mungen: darken
- Naff: grievous, philistine, wicked
- Naffness: wickedness
- Naffs: philistines
- Nana: evil
- Nanas: evils
- Nanna: terrible, unholy, unsavoury
- Nanti: ye shall not, without
- Nanti bona: heathens
- Nanti charver: virgin
- Nanti charvers: virgins
- Nanti dinarly: poor
- Nanti dowrier: lesser
- Nanti dowriest: least
- Nanti dowry: less
- Nanti nellyarda: deaf
- Nanti polari: dumb
- Nanti riah: baldness
- Nanti sparkle: unclean
- Nanti varda: blind
- Nanti wallop: lame
- Nanti zhoosh: naked, nakedness
- Nellier: weaker
- Nelliest: weakest
- Nelliness: weakness
- Nelly: weak
- Nellyarda: listen
- Nellyardad: listened
- Nishta: thou shalt not, no more, neither, nor
- Nishta ajax: afar
- Nishta cackle: silence
- Nishta dinarly: poverty
- Nishta dowry: few
- Nishta kosher homie: gentile
- Nishta kosher homies: gentiles
- Nishta lucoddies: souls
- Nishta lucoddy: soul
- Nishta manjarry: fast
- Nishta manjarryings: fastings
- Nishta parnie: drought
- Nishta smoke: wilderness
- Nishta sparkle: uncleanness
- Nishter: nothing
- Nishter ajax: far from
- Nishter bevvied: soberly
- Nistha manjarrying: fasting
- Nix: do not
- Nix munjarlee: famine, hungy
- Nix munjarlees: famines
- No flies: in truth
- Nobber dacha: ninety
- Nochy: night
- Norah: Noah
- Nylon: sackcloth, woolen
- Ogle: covet, eye
- Ogle riders: eyebrows
- Ogled: coveted
- Ogles: eyes
- Ogleth: coveteth
- Ogling: covetousness
- Omee: male
- Otter dacha: eighty
- Otterth: eighth
- Palaver: fight
- Palavered: fought
- Pallias: bedchamber
- Palone: female, woman
- Palone affair: wife
- Palone affairs: wives
- Palone chavvie: daughter
- Palone chavvies: daughters
- Palone servant: maidservant
- Palone servants: maidservants
- Palones: women
- Pannan: bread, manna
- Parker: bring, give, sacrifice
- Parkered: gave, given, paid
- Parkerest: recompensest
- Parkereth: bringeth
- Parkering: offering, reward
- Parkering ninty: wages
- Parkerings: offerings, rewards
- Parkers: sacrifices
- Parnie: weep
- Parnied: wept
- Parniest: weepest
- Pauline: Paul
- Petra: Peter
- Phyllis: Philip
- Plate: foot, hoof
- Plates: feet
- Pogey: small
- Pogier: smaller
- Pogiest: smallest
- Polari: tongue
- Polaris: tongues
- Princess: prince
- Princesses: princes
- Punters: congregation
- Quarter: four, fourth
- Quarter dacha: forty
- Quarterfold: fourfold
- Rattling coves: chariots
- Reef: touch
- Reefed: touched
- Reefeth: toucheth
- Reefing: touching
- Reefs: touches
- Riah: hair, hairs
- Roundhead: circumcised
- Sadie: Satan
- Say dooe: eight
- Say dooefold: eightfold
- Scarper: flee
- Scarpered: escaped
- Scharda: shame
- Schmutter: apparel
- Schooner: bottle
- Schooners: bottles
- Schvartza: Ethiopian
- Scotch: leg
- Scotches: legs
- Screech: call, cry, declare, mouth, noise, shout
- Screeched: called, cried, declared
- Screeches: cries, mouths
- Screecheth: calleth, crieth
- Screeching: crying, shouting
- Screeve: write
- Screeved: written, wrote
- Screeving: writing
- Sea queen: fisher
- Sea queens: fishermen
- Serving homie: servant
- Serving homies: servants
- Setter: seven
- Setter dacha: seventy
- Setterfold: sevenfold
- Setterth: seventh
- Sey: six
- Sey dacha: sixty
- Sey trey: nine
- Sey treyfold: ninefold
- Seyfold: sixfold
- Seyth: sixth
- Sharda: sorrow
- Shardaful: sorrowful
- Shardas: sorrows
- Sharper: steal
- Sharpered: stole
- Sharpering homie: thief
- Sharpering homies: thieves
- She: he
- Sherry: wine
- Simone: Simon
- Sister: brother
- Sisters: brethren
- Slap: smite
- Slapped: smote
- Slapped up: painted
- Slappest: smitest
- Slappeth: smiteth
- Slapping: violence
- Sling yer hook: depart from me, go in peace
- Slingback: shoe
- Slingbacks: shoes
- Smellie: perfume
- Smelly: incense
- Smoke: city
- Smokes: cities
- Spanglies: vanities
- Spangly: vanity
- Sparkle: light
- Sparkles: lights
- Sparkleth: cleanseth
- Steve: Eve
- Stiff: dead
- Strillers: haps
- Sweet: right
- Sweet martini: right hand
- The rights: vengeance
- Thews: sinew
- Thumping cheat: heart
- Thumping cheats: hearts
- Titter: laugh
- Tittered: laughed
- Tittering: laughter
- Tooting fakement: trumpet
- Trey: three
- Trey dacha: thirty
- Trey-dewey-dacha: threescore
- Treyfold: threefold
- Troll: come, go, move, wander
- Troll about: go about
- Troll after: follow
- Troll away: go away, pass away
- Troll back to: return to
- Troll by: pass by
- Troll down: descend
- Troll forth: go forth
- Troll nishta away: go not away
- Troll not: go not
- Troll off: depart
- Troll on: lead on
- Troll out: go out
- Troll over: pass over
- Troll up: ascend
- Trolled: came, gone, moved, went
- Trolled after: followed
- Trolled back: returned
- Trolled back to: returned to
- Trolled by: passed by
- Trolled down: descended
- Trolled off: departed
- Trolled up: ascended
- Troller: sojourner
- Trollers: sojourners
- Trollest: goest
- Trolleth: cometh, moveth, sojourneth
- Trolleth back: returneth
- Trolling: coming, running
- Trolling down: descending, descent
- Trolling fakement: staff
- Trolling lettie: tent
- Trolling letties: tents
- Trolling up: ascending, ascent
- Trollover: passover
- Trundling cheat: chariot
- Twinkling fakement: star
- Twinkling fakements: stars
- Una: one
- Up my lattie: under my roof
- Up the duff: with child
- Varda: behold, look, see, watch
- Varda the lavs: read
- Varda-eth: looketh
- Varda-ing fakement: witness
- Vardad: saw, seen, spied
- Vardaest: preceivest
- Vardaeth: seeth
- Vardaeth the lavs: readeth
- Vardaing: seeing, sight
- Vardaing the lavs: reading
- Vardest: seest
- Wallop: dance
- Walloping: dancing
- Wild: anger
- Zelda: witch
- Zhoosh: clothes, pearls
- Zhooshed: dressed
- Zsa zsa: punish
- Zsa zsa-ed: beat, punished
- Zsa zsa-ing: punishment